Home » Signs That Your Drinking Habits Have Become Problematic

Signs That Your Drinking Habits Have Become Problematic

Signs That Your Drinking Habits Have Become Problematic

by nikitajain
De-Addiction Centre in India

Are you unsure if your drinking habits have crossed over into problematic territory? It can be tough to recognize when a social activity has become a harmful habit. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back! In this blog post, we’ll be discussing the telltale signs that your drinking habits may have become problematic and what actions you can take to change them. So sit back with a glass of water (or maybe skip the drink entirely), and let’s dive in! Trucare Trust is one of the leading and the best De-Addiction Centre in India for alcoholics and drug addicts.


When it comes to drinking, moderation is key. But what does that mean? According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, moderate drinking is defined as up to 1 drink per day for women, and up to 2 drinks per day for men. But what happens when your drinking habits start to become problematic?

There are a few signs that may indicate that your drinking has become problematic. For example, if you find yourself repeatedly binge drinking or blacking out, this is a sign that your drinking has gotten out of control. If you’re also experiencing negative consequences because of your drinking – like losing a job or getting into legal trouble – this is another sign that your habits have become problematic.

If you’re concerned that your drinking habits have become problematic, it’s important to seek help. There are many resources available to help you address your problem drinking and get back on track.

What is Problem Drinking?

Problem drinking is defined as a pattern of alcohol use that results in health or social problems. It’s also sometimes called “alcohol abuse” or “alcoholism.”

There are four main types of problem drinking:

Binge drinking: This is defined as four or more drinks in a row for women, and five or more drinks in a row for men, in a two-hour period. Binge drinking can lead to recklessness, risky behavior, and accidents.

Heavy drinking: This is defined as eight or more drinks per week for women, and 15 or more drinks per week for men. Heavy drinkers are at risk for developing chronic health problems such as liver disease and high blood pressure. They’re also more likely to become dependent on alcohol.

Underage drinking: Anyone under the age of 21 who drinks alcohol is considered an underage drinker. Underage drinkers are at risk for developing alcohol-related problems such as brain damage and addiction. They’re also more likely to engage in risky behaviors like drunk driving.

Problem drinking during pregnancy: Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can lead to birth defects and other problems for the baby. It’s important to talk to your doctor if you think you might have a drinking problem while you’re pregnant.

Common Signs of Problem Drinking

Most people are aware of the obvious signs of problem drinking, such as blacking out, getting into fights, or having problems at work or school. However, there are other, more subtle signs that your drinking habits have become problematic. If you find yourself regularly drinking more than you intend to, or struggling to cut back on your drinking despite wanting to, it may be time to seek help. Other common signs of problem drinking include making frequent excuses to drink, feeling guilty or ashamed about your drinking, and experiencing financial or relationship problems due to your drinking. If you are concerned that your drinking has become problematic, reach out to a trusted friend or family member for support, or consult with a professional specializing in alcohol abuse and addiction.

Physical Signs That You Need Alcohol Treatment

If you find that your drinking is interfering with your work or social life, it may be time to consider getting help. Here are some physical signs that you may need alcohol treatment:

  1. You frequently have a strong urge to drink.


  1. You feel nauseated or sick when you don’t drink.


  1. You shake or tremble when you try to stop drinking.


  1. You experience blackouts or memory loss after drinking.


  1. You get injured more often when you’re under the influence of alcohol.


  1. Your drinking habits are putting a strain on your relationships.


Professional Help for Ending an Unhealthy Relationship With Alcohol

If you’re concerned that your drinking habits have become problematic, it’s important to seek professional help. There are a number of resources available to help you get on the path to recovery, including:

Alcoholics Anonymous: AA is a twelve-step program designed to help people with alcohol abuse disorders recover from their addiction.

– Al-Anon and Alateen: These organizations offer support for family and friends of people with alcohol abuse disorders.

– Behavioral Health Services: Behavioral health services can provide you with counseling and other forms of treatment to help you deal with your addiction.

– Detoxification Programs: If you need help quitting drinking, there are detoxification programs available that can make the process safer and more comfortable.

If you’re ready to take steps to end your unhealthy relationship with alcohol, please seek professional help. There are many resources available to assist you in making this difficult but important decision.

Maintaining Sobriety After Rehabilitation

It is no secret that maintaining sobriety after rehabilitation can be difficult. Without the right support and tools, it can feel impossible. However, there are things you can do to increase your chances of success. Here are a few signs that your drinking habits have become problematic:

  1. You’re drinking more than you used to.

If you find that you’re drinking more alcohol than you used to, it’s a sign that your drinking habits have become problematic. When we drink excessively, our bodies begin to build up a tolerance to alcohol. This means we need to drink more and more to get the same effect. If you find yourself needing to drink more alcohol to feel the same buzz, it’s time to seek help.

  1. You’re hiding your drinking from others.

When we’re ashamed of our drinking habits, we often go out of our way to hide them from others. If you find yourself making excuses not to drink in front of others or lying about how much alcohol you’ve consumed, it’s a sign that your drinking has become a problem. Hiding your drinking is a way of denying that there’s a problem, but it only makes things worse in the long run.

  1. Your health is suffering.

One of the most obvious signs that your drinking has become problematic is when your health begins to suffer as a result. If you’re frequently hungover or sick, if you’re losing weight or struggling to sleep,


The signs of problem drinking can vary from person to person, but if you are having difficulty controlling your alcohol use and it is impacting your everyday life, then there is a serious problem. If you or someone around you is experiencing any of the signs mentioned in this article such as blackouts, loss of control over how much they drink and withdrawal symptoms when not drinking, consult a professional health provider immediately because help is available. Taking steps to address the issue early on could mean avoiding long-term issues related to excessive alcohol intake in the future. Get Directions to De-Addiction Centre in India.

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